Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesdays at the movies

One thing that remains consistent between Canada and Hong Kong is that the movies are always cheaper. We watched Exam, which was a very interesting movie, despite the low rating from Rotten Tomatoes. Essentially, it's a movie about 8 candidates locked in a room for a job interview and there are three rules: 1) Do not try to talk to the Invigilator or armed guard in the room, 2) Do not choose to leave the room, 3) Do not spoil your paper. When they flip open the piece of paper, the paper is blank and the candidates have to try and solve the problem. It's a pretty good thriller, and for an indie film, it is pretty good.

We also took a gander at real estate in Hong Kong as my aunt is interested into moving into a new place. We checked out the Hermitage and learnt a few things. One was that real estate is crazy expensive in HK (about 12,000 HKD per square foot, even more 15,000 HKD/square foot for ones with views). Second, real estate agents are super aggressive. While walking, I was approached from this real estate agent and I kind of pushed my way through. He offered his card anyways, and I inadvertedly took it and immediately got swarmed by more agents. Note to self: never talk to anyone in Asia.

Afterwards, we also went to Temple street to check out the night market. A little bit of drinking on the streets plus a bar afterwards. Check out some of the palm readers.

2 more days till Beijing!


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